I blerfed it


What’s up nerds1, I’m back. Trying to figure this whole situation out. To figure out:

  • is this post getting generated?
  • how to make a footnote?
  • What do these checkboxes look like?
    • they look totally reasonable
  • Did I figure out syntax highlighting?
    • hot damn I did! Good job Past Sam!
  • different code styling?
  • line numbers??

I am looking at this on a small screen and it looks not great. I think I would like to experiment with different themes that are better layouts on a small screen.

1// this is just some sample code to check highlighting
2def blerf(name: String): Unit = println(s"Hey, ${name}, did you know that Sam blerfed it?")

To remember in the future

  • If the netlify preview build fails but everything works locally, check the hugo version
  • not all chromastyles are available it seems?
  • the leading slashes for the logo paths are important

  1. It’s me. My past self is nerds. ↩︎