
2024-09-04 | #reference

This is just a collection of links for myself. Usually articles I’ve referenced or written about elsewhere and I want to keep some kind of track of them. For now it’s just a big list by year of access, but maybe I will better categorize them some time in the future.

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I blerfed it

2023-01-23 | #nonsense

What’s up nerds1, I’m back. Trying to figure this whole situation out. To figure out: is this post getting generated? how to make a footnote? What do these checkboxes look like?

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Blerf: An Introduction


Oh hello. This is the first blerf, of what are presumably many blerfs to come, on Blerf. This post is mostly to serve as a debugging post for content layout in this Hugo theme (which I’m not familiar with), but I’m also putting some notes for myself here and they might be useful to the general public even.

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